MobileDaRt MX8

MobileDaRt Evolution MX8
The award winning MobileDaRt Evolution is further refined into the MX8 Version featuring the collapsible column to broaden the mobile’s solutions.
Collapsible Column
Small Footprint for Tight Rooms
Large 19” Flush Mounted Touch Display
Calculated Dose Area Product
Charge DR Panel Onboard
Lock DR Panel Onboard
Adjustable Drive Handle*
Light and Collimator Knobs Located on Backside of Collimator
Inch Mover (Fine tune mobile position from the tube head)

* Optional DR Panel Holder Required
MX Stitch
Longview stitching solution for the OR and everywhere else.
Two images are scanned of the necessary area and a lead mask is placed inside the collimator slot to prevent the same body parts from being exposed multiple times. The images are stitched together to produce a composite long-view image in just a few minutes.
Additionally, the MX Stitch can perform scans during surgery. This allows for surgeons to observe results before closing the incision points.