Score StentView
Experience speedy and safe stent placement

Balloon Positioning

Stent Overlap
SCORE StentView is the latest, advanced version of StentView, considered truly revolutionary by many clinical users, allowing you to enhance stents and adjust the position in dynamic images in real-time.
This software was developed specifically to support PCI procedures based on real-time image processing technology, a specialty of Shimadzu. Stents move with the pulse beat. However, SCORE StentView displays stents in a fixed position in real-time. This is particularly effective for assessing positional relationships between overlapping stents, or when re-expanding a stent using a balloon.

Specify ROI

Displays enhanced view of stent in a fixed position
The function for specifying the region of interest (ROI) now allows multiple markers to be used for automatic detection, which contributes to higher detection efficiency and shorter examination times.