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BEST in CLASS Multi-functional Universal RF System


Advanced Applications



Making the invisible visible.

Shimadzu realized the world’s first practical use of Tomosynthesis on RF-table systems, SONIALVISION series, with the latest Flat Panel Detector and advanced Digital Imaging Technology.

SLOT Advanced

The ideal technology to obtain long-view images.

Acquires and automatically integrates a series of accurate images of a few centimeters width central slit straight to the x-ray detector, as the imaging chain successively moves along the patient on SONIALVISION.



  • Multi-Purpose System

  • Pulsed Fluoroscopy and Extended Video-Fluoroscopy

  • Digital Radiographic

  • +90° / -90° Tilt Table

  • Accommodates Bariatric Patients in Rad / Fluoro Procedures

  • Table weight limit 500 lb. (motion) / 700 lb. (static)

  • 180 cm Source to Image Distance (SID)*

  • Flexible height adjustment, 18.5 inch height at lowest level

  • 17” x 17” Cesium Iodide FPD Provides Large Imaging Field




Imaging Technologies

SCORE PRO Advanced

Reducing exposure levels by 50% per examination.

Provides high-quality radiographic and fluoroscopic images with less motion-artifacts and a lower dose. Above all, the new motion-tracking noise reduction technology minimizes noise and allows sufficient visibility of the tip of the guide wire and catheter.


Usable in examinations of the hepatic artery to the lower extremities.

The RSM-DSA filter provides continuous automatic masking resulting in a DSA-like image even when the patient or the table is moved. It produces excellent results where patient movement is inevitable.


* Optional



Shimadzu offers the BEST in CLASS Multi-functional Universal RF System - one that is useful in a variety of examinations and examination environments, provides high image quality minimizing X-ray dose levels, and is easy to operate.

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