Specimen Radiography System
The CoreLite system is a small foot print X-ray specimen cabinet, providing rapid verification of breast biopsy cores at the point of care.
Why CoreLite?
Save time
Biopsy specimens can be imaged and verified in seconds, at the point of care, allowing for a significantly shorter procedure.
Seamless workflow
The workflow supports standalone operation as well as fully integrated configuration with RIS and PACS. Patient details can be loaded directly from a DICOM modality worklist and images sent automatically to PACS for storage or review.
Peace of mind
Features such as safety interlocks, self test on start-up and confirmation that images have been saved, give users added piece of mind. An integrated queue system ensures that images are not lost in the event of network failure.
DICOM compliant imaging software ensures traceability to patient and a record of care
Key Features
Can fully resolve all features of the ACR Stereotactic Phantom
Compact and self-contained
High Speed Imaging
High Resolution Imaging
DICOM Based Image Store
Connectivity to RIS and PACS